Darek Gogol attended the College of Art and Design in Lodz, Poland.
Presenters at Chapter Events since 2009. You may type in a name or part of a name to quickly search the list.
Glenn Goldman is an architect, planner, and educator as well as a photographer.
Zareh Gorjian is the Lead Animator in the Scientific Data Visualization group at JPL.
Matthew is widely respected within the entertainment industry for his artistry and business acumen - a rare pairing of skills.
Since 1966, Dr.
John Gwinner has nearly two decades of experience in VR. When he was 16, he wrote a story detailing something similar to the Holodeck.
Asa is a designer of technology particularly interested in cameras and robots and how they symbios.
Will is the Flame Family product manager at Autodesk, serving as the interface between customers needs and the Flame development team in Montreal.
Rocco Helmchen was born in Annaberg-Buchholz (east Germany), first studied Media Computer Science, followed by Film and Television specializing in