Jon 9 has created his latest version of "2025: The HISTORY OF THE FUTURE" Trilogy is an experiential long-form narrative representing the future of storytelling. The transmedia format includes many different story elements presented on a variety of media in both physical and virtual spaces. Non-linear in structure, the experience can take different forms for different individuals depending on where, when and how they engage with the multi-faceted story world. In 2025 most people will live their lives entirely online, as complex avatars in hyper-real virtual worlds - working, playing and loving in elaborate 3D virtual environments, linked through the Metaverse via a global quantum backbone operating at the speed of thought.is a creative technologist who uses advanced creative production techniques on massive display systems to connect people with stories and ideas.
Based in Los Angeles, he is currently developing an immersive trilogy of three features in the ERTHIIA series. Using high-powered media servers and his own WALLSITE® videowall programming language, he is mapping multiple streams of ultra-high-def content onto a panoramic display matrix to tell stories in a new narrative format. He is currently developing a new immersive event and eSports venue called SUPERSPACE® that will deliver immersive entertainment, eSports programming and other types of experiential media. It will also serve as a workshop and development lab for creatives and techs from around the world to develop and test new concepts in digital storytelling.