Leonard Daly is a 3D web systems architect; speaker; author; and President of Daly Realism, a consulting firm specializing in ecommerce web applications and graphical information systems integration. He is an active member of several organizations for the creation of various web standards including W3C, Web3D Consortium, and Khronos’ 3D Formats (glTF) and 3D Commerce. He has presented at many conferences including SIGGRAPH, Web3D, HTML5, and SVVR Expo on various xR topics. His current work is developing XSeen - a declarative xR language (xseen.org) for the display of 3D content in VR, AR, MR, and flat-display HTML5 web browser environments. He is currently secretary of the 3D Commerce Working Group (Khronos), co-chair of the Certification and Verification Technical Subgroup (3D Commerce), and Electronic Services chair (LA ACM SIGGRAPH). He has been a chair of LA ACM SIGGRAPH and co-chair of X3D Working Group. Mr. Daly holds a BS in Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College.