2017 Planning Meeting

Come get involved with planning for next season. The Chapter needs ideas for events for next year. The quality of our program depends on you. Make your reservation now.

Sunday, 26 June 2016
1200 Getty Center Drive Los Angeles, CA. 90049

The annual Chapter planning meeting is in June where the events for next season are discussed and planned. This is your opportunity to get an event on your favorite topic. The Chapter is looking for ideas for events and people to help produce them. This year's meeting will be graciously hosted by Getty in their main facility overlooking Westwood.

Your will need to make a reservation for admission to the Getty. Everyone with an accepted reservation will be provided free parking and dinner. The museum is closed on the meeting day, but you can stroll through the gardens prior to the start of the meeting.



6:30 - Meet & greet with Getty personal and Chapter participants
7:00 (approx) Meeting starts.
Wrap up of 2016 Season
2017 Planning


You must register and be approved to attend this event. You do not need to be a member to attend, but we ask that everyone come with at least one meeting idea or anticipate volunteering to help produce an event.

Special Thanks

The Getty