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Upcoming Events

Thursday, April 18, 2024

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM PDT

Traditionally, creating 3D digital humans requires lengthy efforts by digital artists, and often costly 3D scanning by special multi-view scanners. Learn how recent generative AI technologies allow the learning of photorealistic 3D representations from a collection of in-the-wild 2D images, such as internet photos. 

SPEAKER:  Matthew Chan joined NVIDIA as a research engineer 2022.

Joint event by Silicon Valley ACM SIGGRAPH (SVSIGGRAPH), San Francisco Bay Area ACM (SFBayACM) and Los Angeles ACM SIGGRAPH (LASIGGRAPH).

You must register with Zoom registration to attend this event.

Another year. Can Web3D finally provide a Path to the Metaverse Visions that we've all had for the last 30 years?

You must register with Zoom registration to attend this event.